With brisk, sometimes wet, mornings upon us, it helps to warm the house with a freshly baked breakfast offering. Try this easy recipe for small German pancakes and top them with some Rare Berry Farm jam. They are very similar to popovers and could easily make a great dessert.

1 cup milk
6 eggs
1 cup flour
pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp orange zest (optional)
1/4 cup butter, melted
confectioner sugar to dust (optional)
Muffin tins (18 cups needed)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Blend first six ingredients in a blender, or whisk together to allow for air.
Add a little melted butter to each tin, or you can add the butter to the batter, but be sure to grease the tins really well.
Divvy up the batter evenly into each tin. A 1/4 cup measuring cup works great.
Bake at 400 for 15 minutes, or until puffy and golden on top.
Recipe adapted from realmomkitchen.com

Meets with my granddaughter's seal of approval.